At the start of a new lingerie trend and fair season we brainstorm about new concepts. Leading lingerie brands start to adapt their brand image and question how body language can be transferred into virtual reality and metaverse. Needless to say that eco-correctness and fitting comfort should by now be mastered by everybody, but should no longer dominate the marketing language. The sector needs a visual language with more impact to take advantage of the lingerie craze on the ready-to-wear catwalks. The next Interfilière Forum in July will shout out the enchantment of colours and materials in a stimulating happening with a strong link to the sensual desires of the body. We see red in this context, not just as a seasonal cash-cow.
Gorgeous lace design in carmine red below by Gayou Lace is an example of delicate and traditional inspired lace in this new mood.
Our lingerie world has too long been the slave of commercial rules of production and sales volumes. What we see coming - the first signals were dominating the January lingerie Salon de la Lingerie - is that a growing army of start-up brands are changing the language and attraction of lingerie. The role of lingerie as a seductive language is restored in collaborations and smaller occasional ranges. Hybridisation is helped by fabric technology, like fast knit engineering. The growing resort and loungewear market allows new design scales and colours, restoring red as an exciting fashion colour.